Ode to IKEA

Jay and I visited the IKEA store in New Haven today. Normally, I hate shopping. The fluorescent lights and Muzak send spasms of pain up and down my spine.
Why are these people walking so slowly? Why is that woman trying to get me to take a survey? Why is there nothing in my size? Why do they think this crappy music will make me buy more stuff?
In contrast to your average American shopping mall, IKEA is a feast for your senses. The store is divided into two floors. The top floor is mostly devoted to individual showrooms. You get to wander through kitchens, bathrooms, living rooms, and bedrooms all designed in different styles and different price ranges. IKEA is all about the helpfulness. Shopping bags, pencils, maps, and measuring tapes are all available around the store to ease your shopping stress.

Hungry? Why not try some Swedish dishes at our reasonably priced cafeteria?
The lower floor is where you pick up the things that you selected from the showrooms. But before you get to the furniture warehouse, you must first traverse the gauntlet of Extremely Cool Stuff for Next-to-Nothing Prices. This is when having Jay along really helps because he's able to keep things in perspective. Apparently, just because something is only $7.99 and it used to be $34.99, doesn't mean you need it. Did you know that you can make ice cubes in the shapes of arrows?
We did purchase two items for our apartment. A five-shelf bookcase and a small table, both for only $19 a piece. Oh yeah and some licorice boats because nobody makes black licorice like the Swedes.

Actually, the Germans make better licorice than the Swedes and they make it in the shape of cats and leaves but boat shaped Swedish licorice is fine by me.
Ooh, IKEA. There's a huge one not too far away from us that I'd like to go visit. You can also do some cool stuff on their website to design rooms, like pick out paint, furniture, and accessories. It's fun, especially for those of us who are unlikely to actually purchase an entire new bedroom set.
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