Almost Lost

We recently had a death in our hard drive family. In a stroke of sheer good fortune Jay had backed up our photos only days before. Yeah, Jay! It was such a wonderful feeling to see all of the pictures restored by Picasa.
I had completely forgotten about these photos I took just a few weekends ago when we were balancing on the cusp of autumn.

Thick grey clouds have hung over us for two days now and they are not predicted to depart for at least another day. We are well into the thick of the season.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow because I'll actually be getting to spend some time with my future class. I think it will be a good day except for the fact that my immune system is probably going to take a while to get back into Daycare mode and there's a stomach virus going around!
Jay and I are working on some carpooling experiments this week. So far it's worked out pretty well (all one day of it). I can actually walk to work if I give myself enough time. The walk takes about as much time as my morning commute in Dallas and it is much more pleasant. If I'm really good with my time management I can stop at Starbucks on the way! I'm thinking about purchasing a bike and helmet with my first paycheck if I can figure out a good place to chain it up at work and keep it here at the apartment.
I also have to make the ever important bell or horn decision.
I vote for a bell. I find it has a much more pleasing and polite sound. Also, congratulations and yay! on your new job. I hope that you have lots o' fun!
I also vote for a bell. Ring ring! Or, if you prefer, ding ding.
I hope the first day went well and that tomorrow with your new class is even better.
Beautiful pictures, Jill.
Get one of those Sesame Street bike horns they sell at Toys 'R Us.
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