Emilee Feeds the Birds

My niece Emilee recieves proper sprinkling instructions from Mom.

The next day Emilee tries to solo as a bird feeder. Sadly, the seeds don't get sprinkled so much as dumped in one big pile.

Dissatisfied with her efforts, Emilee tries to rectify the situation by scooping the bird seed back into her bowl and then dumping it out again. She will later resort to picking up small handfuls and throwing them about.
At the age of two, she is already hooked on birds. She even knows the difference between "quack-quacks" and "honk-honks" thanks to Grandpa's tutelage.
Oh, she's terribly cute! I love how intent she is on getting it just right.
When I was about Emilee's age, I was a flower girl in a wedding. Apparently I did really well with scattering the petals as I walked down the aisle, but I still had some in my basket when I reached the front of the church, so I just dumped the rest out in the middle of the aisle.
She's doing really well. When I was that age I don't think I could tell the difference between Daffy Duck and Donald Duck.
(And no comments about how I was also around for Disco Duck!)
Yeah, Emilee is a serious little kid. When she's completing a task she gets really intense and doesn't like to be questioned.
Then when she's accomplished her goal she'll just beam.
My mother introduced me to birds when I was little. Still today at almost 50 it is a thrill to see a wren or a woodpecker. My friend, Dawn, always kids me and asks me is that yellow-bellied-sapsucking-peapicker?
My parents have a little bird nirvana at their home in Indiana. My sister and I both have our own small outposts of bird-dom thanks to them.
In moving from Texas to Connecticut we left some our favorite birds behind. Although we do catch glimpses of Northern Mockingbird's around the neighborhood.
She's so cute!
I have a story almost exactly like Wendy's. My sister and her best friend, Mallory, were flower girls for the wedding of Mallory's aunt, Linda. Sarah evenly dropped the petals on her side, but Mallory did not. The family laughed at the video of the wedding, because, in the background, you could see Mallory comparing the contents of her basket with Sarah's, and then dumping enough petals to even the amounts.
My first foray into being a flower girl ended in disaster.
For some reason I got it into my head that I was going to have to marry the ring-bearer -- a kid I didn't even know. I threw a huge fit.
Luckily, my sister was able to fill in and I got to pass out packets of rice to nice old ladies.
I can see why you wouldn't want to marry the ring-bearer. Elijah Wood became kinda creepy in "Sin City."
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