Blogging Guilt
It's not that I don't have anything to say, or that I don't have the time to say it. It's just that well . . .
Okay, there's no excuse.
Last week Jay even voluntarily left the computer and ordered me to make a post. Which isn't exactly the best way to get me to do anything.
So the last month in 100 words or less?
I had a wonderful holiday season filled with expected and unexpected gifts and expected and unexpected time off from work.
When Jay and I returned from the airport on Christmas we were met with several boxes of goodies. One was full of the multi-colored towels that we had ordered from JCPenney's and the others were surprises from Texas. It was Santa Claus-exciting!
Last week I got another surprise in the mail from one of my favorite artists, her previous work can be seen here.
My newest acquisition is a calendar with an original piece of artwork for each month. My favorites are entitled "Princess Leia's Spaceship" and "The Burning Bush Where God Is."
What's the weather been like?

Ask the birds.
Well welcome back to Blogging
Hey Jill!
I tried asking the birds what the weather was like, but they just flew away. I'm afraid I might have frightened them.
Anyway, a snowstorm just passed through our area last night, dumping up to a foot of snow near us. Some places in Illinois had snow falling at a rate of four inches per hour! Crazy. I think it's heading in your direction now.
Glad to hear that your holidays were enjoyable, and that you got a lot of loot.
Hey Jill,nice to see a new post,we miss your wonderful pics and witty comments. Jeff,PS not much luck with the bird feeder yet!
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