One Flew into the Window. . . Twice.

These hands belong to Mr. David Pendell. He and his wife came to the rescue this afternoon when this young Sharp-shinned Hawk decided to hit our apartment door at ramming speed.
When I first saw him sprawled out on the concrete I thought for sure he had ended his young hawk life. Then when he skidded across the pathway on his belly I had a sickening feeling in my stomach that the best we could do for him was a quick death.
Then he got to his feet and "Oh happy day!" I grabbed the yellow pages and started calling the animal hospitals and humane centers while Jay started the online research. Eventually we ended up at a list of certified animal handlers in the Connecticut area. None of whom were what you would call close.
Since it was late Sunday afternoon, it took us three or four tries to get someone on the phone. The Pendells showed up about 20 minutes later and very professionally took charge. Sadly, the hawk was loathe to be captured.
In his final escape attempt he actually took flight but it was obvious that he was still hurt.
Then he ran into the window again.
As you can see from the picture, he did recover consciousness. The Pendells said that they would observe him for a few days and see what developed.
I'm debating as to whether or not I will check on his condition.
As it is, I can believe that we saved him from getting mauled by a cat or some such ignominious fate.
ahhh.. I hope he makes it.
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