The Avian Horde
They might be cute and fluffy looking but they are remorseless birdfeed pillagers.

Chipping Sparrow on the approach

Cardinal and Titmouse mid-pillage

When you see 13 inches of bird with a 20 inch wingspan heading for your window it will cause you to fall from your chair and gasp in surprise and horror of an impending crash. Luckily this flicker was able to maneuver to the feeder without crashing into the window. I think we need to get a bigger feeder. The black mustache signifies that this guy is most definitely male. When voicing flicker thoughts, a French accent is required.

Titmouse patroller. These little guys are still Jay's favorites. They have mohawks. How can you not love them?

We're not sure if the birds are watching us or if they just like to look at their reflections.

Almost forgot our flying ninja friends -- the chickadees. See how politely they queue up for their turn at pillaging?

Yeah new bird!!! This junco also goes by the name of snowbird. So he's more a harbinger than a member of the horde.

Finally, the Genghis Khan of bird feeding stations everywhere
Jay took most of the pictures for this post so all props go to him (I can claim the chipping sparrow and the junco.). Hope you enjoyed your tour through birdfeeder devastation.
I have! I have. I guess I'll feed again this winter. I didn't last winter.
I'm rooting for the squirrel. They're much nicer. Remember, Hitchcock never made a movie called "The Squirrels."
Those are really nice pictures, and I'm jealous of all your bird friends. I can't stop being a little freaked out by the first picture, though, since it looks (to me, at least) like that bird has no wings. Every time I see it, I think, "Birds fall from the window ledge above mine..."
Yeah, Jay and I are always referencing that song.
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