07 February 2006

Succombing to the Socks (or Getting My Knitting Geek On)

At the end of January I threw my name into a huge pot called The Great Sockapaloooza (There are supposed to be that many o's.). In doing so I have committed to knit a random stranger a pair of socks by May 2nd or as I like to call it May Day plus 1.

I thought about it long and hard before I decided to join what the cool kids call my first "knit-a-long."

Of course, I've never actually knit a pair of socks and really tiny needles kind of scare me. What if I slip and poke out my eye? Or puncture an ear drum?

Could happen.

There's also the procrastination factor.

Because I mean 2 months to knit 2 socks. Come on, I knit 30-some-odd finger puppets in like 3 weeks. So what if the kids didn't get their presents until after Christmas. It was like a bonus Christmas. Let's not talk about the poor sad elephant parts that are haunting my knitting basket just waiting to be sewn together.

At this point I was going to show off my cute finger puppets but um, I can't find my pictures, or the drive that they are stored on.

Jay, if you're reading this in Reno, "HELP!"


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