08 March 2006

Sidelined by Injury

So it turns out that many of the things that I enjoy in my spare time require a healthy wrist.

I've been having sharp pains in my wrist for the past few weeks. I went to the doctor last week and ended up with souped-up Aleve and a wrist brace. If it doesn't clear up before the medicine runs out then it's off to the "hand specialist" I go.

So this means that knitting, video gaming, changing the TV channel and even reading large books are all out for now. Since all seem to cause an unacceptable amount of shooting pain. Sadly, I haven't figured out how to brush my teeth left-handed with any kind of efficiency.

I have learned an interesting new phrase: anatomical snuffbox.

As in "The searing pain seems to start somewhere around my anatomical snuffbox."

So I wonder if it got the name because it looks like a snuffbox or because that's where you put the snuff before you huff it up your nose.


At March 09, 2006 1:03 AM, Blogger Randy said...

Hey, I'm sorry to hear about your wrists. That sounds very painful.

Wendy and I can whole-heartedly recommend books by Pete Egoscue based on our experience. He talks about how over-using certain muscle groups can throw the body's alignment out of whack and cause all kinds of problems. He gives a ton of exercises to help restore balance, and really hammers home that you can't sit back and rely on doctors; you have to take responsibility and do the exercises.

Wendy started doing some of the exercises when she had back pain recently, and it seemed to really help. I try to do them several times a week since I spend so much time in front of the computer.

"Pain Free at your PC" and "The Egoscue Method of Health Through Motion" are the two books of his that I've read. Both are really good.

I apologize for sounding so much like comment spam!

At March 09, 2006 1:09 AM, Blogger Wendy said...

Yeah, I'm sorry about your wrist, too. I do think the Egoscue exercises helped with my back - I hope that they, or whatever really, help you feel better soon, too!

At March 09, 2006 5:46 PM, Blogger Jill said...

Yeah, my experience at the doctor's office wasn't so stellar. I told her all about how my pain was located at the side of my wrist and that we had talked to an Orthotist (okay so Jay and I went online for awhile but he's almost ready to start his residency) and that the symptoms aligned with DeQuervain's Syndrome which has to do with tendons. Then she hit me with a hammer and told me I had carpel tunnel. It was a liitle hammer.

The main source of the injury is picking up the kids at school. We have a lot of kids that are rather larger than your typical 2-year-old child.

Which is one of the reasons that I am so bitter about not being able to do my chosen relaxation activities when I do go home.

Thanks for listening to me whine.

At March 17, 2006 8:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it wasn't for this blog I'd have no clue what was happening with you two. Sorry about the wrist. The über-ibuprofen should help though.


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