In case you were wondering, we are THOSE kind of people.
I'm not talking about when I told my mom that I was planning on becoming a women's studies major and she sighed and said, "I hope you're not going to be one of THOSE women." I'm not sure if I fulfilled her prophesy or not. (You're welcome to weigh-in with your opinions.) On this occasion I'm referencing the kind of people who would put their cat on a leash and take it outside, despite the frequent and curious stares of random strangers. Witness our shame:
Zissou hopped-up on nature

Checking to make sure that we are close behind, but not too close.

Squirrel? Rabbit? Bird? Can you say over stimulation?

The outdoors experience was a generally pleasant one. He was a little rebellious and rolled about when he first realized he was attached to the string but he quickly adapted and then set about exploring.
The voyage back indoors was extremely unpleasant for all involved. The cat freaked out everytime we passed through a door and tried to claw his way down. We went through four doors and up one flight of stairs which were also the cause of some trauma. As soon as we were back in the apartment Zissou started purring and he hasn't begged to go out or tried to escape since.
I'm not sure if he had flashbacks to his rough and tumble life on the streets or if doors are just extremely traumatic for cats. Whatever the reason, it looks are days as THOSE kind of people are pretty much over for the time being.

Content to view his nature from the other side of a screen.
I'm jealous of your cat. (Except the scratching part.) It looks like so much fun to take a cat for a walk.
My parents had a cat when they were first married, and they used to walk it. My mom said they always used to get weird looks, too. Of course, they also used to feed the cat canteloupe, so maybe they deserved the weird looks.
He looks like he was watching out for the Jaguar shark.
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