. . . but you won't let those robots defeat me
It has been awhile since I lived in a place that had a true winter. I forgot how much the seasons affect a persons state of mind. I find myself completely revelling in the beginning of Spring.
The past few months have been spent almost completely indoors, the weather and our general mallaise having combined to make us rather dreary homebodies of late. I can report a general change in this trend in the last three weeks. A change that has been marked by various weekend outings and adventures.
We have even been able to check a place off of our "Need to Do" list.
New Haven is known for its pizza. A few weekends ago we were able to partake of some truly superior pizza pie. The flavor of the pizza is all about the quality and age of the oven and the oven at Sallie's has been turning out delicious product since the thirties.

The oven isn't the only thing about the place that hasn't changed since the beginning which is why it took a bit over an hour of waiting in line to get a booth. Our pizza was definitely well appreciated by the time it got to our table.
Our happy adventure that we started this weekend won't have anything to show until Thursday. You'll just have to be patient and wait for it.
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