Tour de L' Appartement
When I first walked into our Connecticut apartment I was convinced -- there was no doubt in my mind -- that it was tiny in comparison to our Dallas place. Both Jay and his dad were a little stunned at my assessment. Although our place is not HUGE by any stretch of the imagination, it is, in fact, pleasantly roomy for a one-bedroom apartment. Perhaps it was the emptiness that made it seem smaller.
There are some odd things about our apartment that should be noted:
1. Our refrigerator sounds like it is powered by a hamster.
2. When the wind blows, it messes up our television reception.
3. The faucet water can go from tepid to scalding-the-skin-off-
your-bones hot in mere seconds.
4. Although the apartment came with a built-in coffee maker, we still use our own.
5. The color of the carpet and the trim that is painted to match can best be described as "that mauve/pink brown color that old people are supposed to like."
6. There aren't overhead lights in either the main room or the bedroom. Instead various plugs on various outlets around the rooms are controlled by switches. None of the switch controlled outlets are positioned anywhere near the switches. And only the bottom plugs of the outlets are controlled by the switches. Apparently, electricians are an evil lot.
7. The paper towel holder in the kitchen does not hold your paper towels. Instead it just pretends to hold the paper towels and then drops them as soon as you have filled the sink full of water. For some reason it is about a half inch too wide for any of the paper towels we have bought so far.
Here is the general floor plan for the apartment. I thought it might help when looking at pictures.

We split the large room into two parts. It just seemed like the thing to do.

This is what we call the Living Room. These pictures make it look like we get a lot of light in our apartment. We don't. We're hoping that when the leaves fall off the trees we'll be able to get more light.

This is the remainder of the large room. We refer to it as the Nook Room. The real nook met its demise in a dumpster in Dallas. Mom wasn't willing to give up her seat in the Neon to a bunch of egg crates. If only I had a luggage rack.
See that folding chair? That plus an outdoor, lawnchair cushion is what I sat on most of the way to Connecticut. We expected the Budget truck to have a bench seat. It didn't. So we made one!

This is our very neat and clean bedroom. The CRT monitor (bottom right) actually sits next to a bookshelf which is next to a lamp which is next to the closet. This is as much of the room as I could get in one shot and really didn't think that it deserved two pictures.

I really like the kitchen because it has one long swath of counter next to the refrigerator. This means you can make cookies without balancing the cookie sheet on the side of the sink. Sadly the top cabinets are placed so that it is impossible for me to reach to the back of even the lowest shelf. However, the stove hood is low enough for me to hit my head on it at least once a day.
The blue bins are for recycling and bird seed. We have a recycling dumpster in the parking lot which is very convenient.
The bird in the picture is a titmouse.
I hope you have enjoyed your virtual tour. It probably took longer than an actual tour. On an in-person tour you would get to see the bathroom and the toilet which is way too close to the door.
I like your new place! I think splitting the big room into two works well, because it's clearly big enough for it, and that way you get two for the price of one. Who doesn't love that?
Thanks, Wendy. I like it, too.
Nice apartment!
Who plays the guitar?
Jay plays the guitar.
That's great. Is he a classical guitarist? I don't see a pickguard on that guitar.
Jay has a classical, a steel string acoustic, and an electric guitar. He mostly plays the classical one but he doesn't consider himself a classical guitarist.
That's cool. I'm sorry I didn't know that Jay played guitar! Does he play in a band?
No, no band or anything. I think there may have been some sort of band in the distance high school past.
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